I was surprised in 2015-2016 at some of the things said by Speaker Robin Vos against Donald J. Trump. At that time I was so busy raising my four children and homeschooling them it didn’t really sink in how volatile the rhetoric was coming from Paul Ryan, Scott Walker and Robin Vos towards Trump.
2015-2016: Wisconsin State Representative Robin Vos said that Trump was an embarrassment as the Republican nominee. When Trump was coming to campaign in Wisconsin Vos made sure to state that Trump should know he was coming to a state full of “Ryan Republicans, NOT Trump Republicans.”
Vos did nothing to hide his distaste for Trump. Was it because Trump didn’t spend his life as a politician and went straight to the big league? Maybe it was Trumps aggressive truth and his promise to drain the swamp on both sides of the aisle? Whatever it may have been the disgust towards Trump was palpable.
2022: Brought four or more mailers sent out for the Vos campaign with pictures of Vos and Trump touting how well Vos was implementing Trumps conservative agenda in Wisconsin. Vos would not have won the primary by 260 votes had he not campaigned on The Trump Card……
2023: Speaker Robin Vos is back to his true colors of being a “Never Trumper” and making statements like “I will do everything in my power to keep Trump from being the Republican nominee!”
We have all seen Vos’ true colors. He has shown us. Once he shows us if we don’t believe him that falls on us. You know the saying “you cannot serve two masters”? Vos demands to be the master in Wisconsin. Vos demands absolute control not only of the Republican caucus members but of candidates selected to serve the people. Will we allow that? We will allow ourselves to be manipulated by Vos yet again?
Let’s keep in mind that Vos only used Trump to win re-election in 2022, he is not above using or abusing any connections he has as long as it benefits him. He cares nothing for the people he is supposed to represent. The irony here is Trump ended up endorsing Vos’ Conservative Republican primary opponent, drawing attention to Vos’ lies. Vos would not have won the primary by 260 votes had he not campaigned on The Trump Card……I mean the Trump mailers.
Another spot on article, Adrianne! Kudos to you for stating what many think but are too afraid to say out loud. Vos is a cancer in the WI GOP, as are many others who will pay him to play. We know who they are. We need TERM LIMITS; disband the WEC; stop listening to the phony RINO controlled opposition. And we need God in our lives and Donald Trump back in the White House. 🇺🇸
Great article... where is Adam Steen? I wish him to come into the de Jure Wisconsin Grand Jural Assembly... www.WisconsindeJure.org you too! Where is Walker? Where is Rebecca Kleefische? and all other RINOs in our Great Nation=State?